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We are a diverse area crossing borders and counties and cultures. Home to world-leading industry, high tech clusters and renowned universities with a highly skilled workforce and area's of outstanding natural beauty, our area is uniting to become the centre of the UK's future economy.

The Western Gateway is not just a geographical region; it represents a dynamic network of innovative sectors, forward-thinking leaders and vibrant communities. Stretching across from St David’s in Pembrokeshire to Swindon, the Western Gateway boasts a rich tapestry of innovation and investible opportunities. From the bustling cities to the serene countryside, our region offers a wealth of potential for sustainable growth and prosperity.

At the heart of the partnership lie our missions – to support innovation, connect communities, attract investment and ultimately to drive economic growth. We strive to create an environment where innovation thrives, businesses flourish and individuals prosper. Through facilitating strategic investments in infrastructure and technology, we are establishing the foundations for a brighter and more prosperous future.

Our area has huge potential to lead the world in many of the sectors we will need to create economic growth, economic stability and secure the UK from hostile actions. In this narrative we set out our unique strengths in our five key sectors:

  • High Value Manufacturing: 14 of the 15 global aerospace giants based in our area alongside companies with a 55.5% market share in developing vital compound semi-conductors
  • Cyber & Technology: home to Europe’s most advanced cyber cluster, we have leading tech clusters exploring AI, Quantum Computing and robotics.
  • Green Energy: with more onshore wind energy generated here than Scotland’s central belt and the potential to explore tidal and new nuclear technology, our communities are united in decarbonising our economy.
  • Fintech – home to two of the UK’s leading fintech clusters
  • Creatives & Digital – we have expertise in screen technologies and world renowned productions being made and streamed through both sides of the border.

In our Economic Narrative, we show how they intersect with our heritage, culture and natural environment to make the Western Gateway area one of the most vibrant and liveable places to do business and propel it to the highest forecast growth outside London. Together with our Plan for Sustainable Growth, our Economic Narrative details what already makes us special and how we’ll build on that to take our area, and the wider UK, from strength to strength.

Sustainable Growth

Our Plan for Sustainable Growth is an evidence-based and focused approach to the key factors needed to show how we can double the size of our economy by 2050 in a way that benefits businesses, communities, and the environment alike.  Built in collaboration with business and our 28 local authorities, it will build on our successes and deliver our mission of a greener, fairer future for our area. 

Our research shows we have built the key sectors for growth and are well-placed to create and deliver large parts of the emerging National Industrial Strategy. To release this potential we are focusing our efforts in four key areas: enhancing innovation, attracting investment, connecting communities and boosting our recognition, outlined in this plan. 

Our Plan for Sustainable Growth provides a robust framework to ensure long-term, sustainable economic prosperity for the area.  In order for it to be a success, we are working with business.

How you can help

On the 26th of October we delivered a signed open letter to Ministers in Westminster, calling on them to support Our Plan for Sustainable Growth.

We are still calling on business and other organisations from across South Wales and Western England to endorse our plan. 

Your support is essential to demonstrate a unified commitment to sustainable growth across our area. With a new government in place, it is crucial we advocate together for policies and investments which bring greater opportunities for business and, critically, for our inhabitants to ensure more of them can reap the benefits of growth.    

Join the growing coalition of organisations dedicated to shaping a sustainable future for our region by emailing stating you endorse the plan.  Please include your logo, if appropriate, for use on our website. 

Collaboration with Western Gateway is just a click away

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Image of a bridge across the sea